
Top Car Maintenance Tips for Dubai’s Climate


Here in Dubai, maintaining your car goes over merely being comfortable but it is essential to keep the car working properly in the harsh weather of Dubai. The extreme temperature of the United Arab Emirates can easily cause damage to all systems of the car from the air conditioning to the engine, and affect its performance and longevity.

To ensure optimal performance and excellent condition of your car in the tough weather conditions in Dubai, it is crucial to maintain your car in accordance with climate demands. In the following, we provide the top 10 easy-to-follow car maintenance tips to keep your vehicle running efficiently in Dubai’s extreme heat.

Check & Maintain Your Car’s Fluid Levels

First on our list to maintain your car in the tough weather of Dubai is to regularly check and maintain fluid levels of your car. The hot climate could cause fluids to evaporate quicker than usual. Here are the essential fluids to check and top up:

Engine oil check

It is necessary to check engine oil levels in hot weather. Oil usually disappears or gets thin faster in high temperatures. Regularly check your engine and add oil if needed to keep the engine parts slippery and avoid any breaks. Keep records of oil changing services to ensure your engine stays cool, lubricated and clean, especially in hot summers.

Also, remember to replace related filters to help your engine work optimally.

Coolant levels

You may already know that a car’s cooling system needs the right mix of coolant and water to be able to move heat away from the engine and prevent the engine from getting too hot. Check your coolant levels often and see if the mix is right. Thus, your car can better handle hot or cold weather conditions.

Brake fluid

To avoid any rust in your brakes and keep your braking system working effectively, it is necessary to inspect your brake fluid regularly. Check the terms and conditions for ABS-equipped vehicles or non-ABS systems. Make sure there is enough brake fluid. If the fluid is too dark, it is old and needs immediate change.

Check Cooling System

Check the radiator

If your car heats up or shows overheating signs regularly, you need to check the radiator. Check for any colored liquid leaks under your hood. Sometimes you need to flush the radiator to help cool the engine. As the main part of the car to cool the engine any dirt or debris could clog the radiator and make it function improperly.

Check and maintain coolant hoses

To avoid leaks and keep your engine cool, you need to regularly check coolant hoses in your car. Look for any bad spots, including cracks or breaks, and, if you find any problems, replace them immediately. Coolant hoses need to be soft and puffy to keep the cooling system working right.

Fill up coolant

You need to change your radiator fluid every 40,000 to 50,000 kilometers. Also, you need to notice the climate and the temperatures you drive in. You need to drain the old fluid and clean the system using special solutions. Removing any clogs and sediments, add fresh coolant and your engine keeps running at the right temperature.

Inspect tires

Regular inspection of tires’ pressure and condition is essential for safe driving in Dubai’s hot weather. Regular checks and maintenance help you avoid common tire problems and drive smoother and safer.

Maintain proper pressure

It is important to keep your tires inflated in Dubai’s hot summers as the heat may mess with tire pressure. Car makers advise drivers to keep the pressure between 32 and 35 PSI; however, it directly depends on your car’s recommended levels. The heat has a big impact on tire pressure, so it’s crucial to keep an eye on it in hot months.

Inspect the tires

inspect the tires for wear and tear, and replace them if necessary. Also, uneven tire wear can reduce traction, compromised handling, and the need for premature tire replacement. Notice that tire rotation around every 8,000 to 10,000 kilometers and helps tires last longer. This keeps your car stable and safe to drive.

Check & Maintain Car Battery

You need to regularly check and maintain your car battery. Here are some tips regarding keeping your car battery working great:

Clean battery ends

Sometimes white stuff grows on the battery ends which makes them inefficient. Scrub off the white stuff with solutions or certain brushes and make sure to tighten the ends. This helps your car start better and lets all the electric parts run well.

Charge or replace the car battery

Often check the voltage of your car battery. A voltage less than 12.2 volts shows that your battery needs to be recharged by driving your car for a certain time or using other good charging methods, including an automatic charger at a repair workshop.

However, sometimes the charging does not do the trick and you are required to replace the old one with a new battery. AGM batteries work better than regular ones, especially in high temperatures, meaning that they can handle tough conditions better. It is essential to ask your mechanic for the best advice on car batteries.

Car AC Maintenance

Check AC Refrigerant Level

You are required to regularly check your car’s AC refrigerant levels, especially in Dubai’s hot summers. Your AC will not cool properly in case the refrigerant runs low. Car manufacturers advise re-gas the car’s AC every two years. This ensures your vehicle AC keeps working optimally.

AC Performance Test

A performance test on your AC system helps early recognition of problems such as leaks or poor cooling. Leak in tubes or seals prevent your AC from working right. Leaks tests keep your AC work well and keep the air in your car cool and fresh.

Change Your AC Filter

AC filters get clogged with dust and junk over time in Dubai’s dusty surroundings and decrease your AC’s overall air quality and function. Change the old AC filter with a new one once you get your car serviced. This keeps the air flowing clean and smooth inside your car.

Check & Maintain Brake System

To drive safely, you need to check brake pads often because they wear out as you drive. Squealing noises or a decrease in brake responsiveness show that it is time for a replacement.

Brake fluid level

The right levels of brake fluid are necessary for effective braking. Regularly check the brake fluid to make sure that it is the same. If you feel that brakes are soft or low on the pedal, you should know that there is too little brake fluid in the system or that needs immediate attention and possibly replacement of the fluid.

Brake rotor condition

It is important to check and maintain the state of your brake rotors to make your car’s brakes work effectively. Inspect the edge of the rotor and cracks or grooves on it might call for replacement. You also need to look for any kind of irregularities in patterns that may lead to poor brake system performance.

Windshield Wiper & Washer Fluid Check

Check wiper blades

Make sure that your wiper blades are in good condition to avoid any sudden visibility problems that could happen in showers or sand storms in summer. If there are signs of wear and tear, have the blades replaced.

Check washer fluid level

The washer fluid is essential for windshield cleaning. Keep washer level fluid in at the recommended level, especially in summer. Use a proper fluid with no foam to improve efficiency and avoid streaks during no visibility.

Test your wiper’s performance

Once you filled your washer fluid, check the wiper performance to ensure that the fluid reaches the windshield and wipers can clean the glass without leaving trail marks.

Drive Belt Inspection

Carefully inspect the drive belts and look for any unusual signs of wear or damage that may indicate problems with the drive itself. Any cracks on the belts, torn edges, as well as signs of unusual wear patterns at specific points suggest a replacement. Also, check belts to see how tight they are since too much slack can result in several issues while driving especially in the hot summer of Dubai.

Protecting Against Sand and Dust

Driving in desert landscapes prevalent in the UAE, sand and dust can easily infiltrate your car. To protect your car’s exterior against sandstorms as well as intense sunlight use high-quality car covers. Besides, checking and maintaining air filters can effectively prevent dust particles from entering the car’s engine or the cabin.


Maintaining your car in Dubai’s tough weather requires extra attention. Following the car maintenance tips mentioned above could ensure your vehicle remains in good condition and avoid potential problems due to extreme heat or sand and dust. Notice that regular maintenance not only enhances the performance and longevity of your car but also ensures your safety on the road.


1. How should you care for your car tires in the hot temperatures of Dubai?

To maintain your car tires in the summer, you need to regularly check for wear and, monitor tire pressure frequently, avoid overspeeding to reduce wear and tear and rotate the tires based on recommended mileage.

2. How long do tires typically last in Dubai’s climate?

Tire longevity can vary based on the manufacturer, but frequently check for wear and damage in harsh summer conditions in Dubai.

3. What is the most common car maintenance task in the hot weather of Dubai?

The most important car maintenance task is changing the oil and oil filter to maintain good engine health. Heat can easily influence the condition of engine oil.

4. What car maintenance tasks should be performed annually?

Annual car maintenance could range from a tune-up to the replacement of consumables such as motor oil, radiator coolant, brake fluid, wiper blades, and brake pads to ensure optimal vehicle performance and safety.

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